We have not seen these rifles in a while and we are so proud to be able to offer this small quantity now. Historic 8mm Mauser M24/47 Rifles. Straight Bolt, 5 Round Bolt Action Rifles. These models have the Sporterized stocks and therefore are NOT C&R Eligible.
Made in the famous Zastava Arms Factory these historic firearms are somewhat of a rarity and a tremendous find for shooters and collectors alike.
7.9 x 57 ( 8mm Mauser or Marked 8 x 57 on the rifle) caliber, 5 rd, bolt action. Overall condition is good surplus.
Note - Some of these rifles ( about 10% ) may have a very slight ( Non - Invasive ) crack in the stock.
We have not seen any crack that was an actual break or that would affect the integrity of the rifle. Most, but not all have the original sight hoods and many have slings but we will not guarantee either.
About the Condition / Grading - These rifles are averaging out at Surplus Good Condition. The surplus grading scale goes like this. Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Like New. On good grade guns ( such as these ) expect to see some wear and possibly even substantial cosmetic wear on both the stocks and and metal. Some show quite a bit of finish wear while others are quite nice. Most of these show nice bluing and really solid stocks but expect standard digs and dings as is typical to this type of surplus. Most ( but not all ) still have their front sight hoods. Bores have been all over the place from very nice to dark and well used / abused. All have their original Yugoslavian Crest on the receivers.
We have learned to always describe our surplus rifles, especially those that have a few lower end rifles in the group, based on worst case scenarios and that is what we have provided here. As M24/47's go these are pretty decent overall and the images above are of a couple of random rifles pulled from the crate which accurately represent the median rifle quality.
Many are missing their sight hood or cleaning rod or both. Some ( about 60% ) have slings and will come with whatever original sling we received on the rifle if that rifle came with a sling. However we do not guarantee a sling and again we do not hand select for bores and we have seen some dark and / or rough bores in this group.
Hand Select on these will constitute best of 5 from any group as long as up to 5 remain. When we get below that we will discontinue the hand select option.
Hand select will be for external cosmetic condition only.
Sporterized Stock Custom Option - We have a small quantity of these rifles that have been sporterized by bending the bolts and re-fitting the rifle with a more modern sporter type hunting style stock with a rubber butt pad. These rifles are no longer in their original military issue configuration but have a more commercial type stock with no handguards. This sporterizing typically occurs in the arsenals when they have rifles and or barreled actions without stocks and the original military stocks are no longer available or too expensive to re-produce. In this case the arsenals converted these rifles to a more modern hunting style rifle to expand their buyer base.
I don't know if these sporterized rifles have been re-blued but the bluing is pretty nice overall on these sporterized rifles and the stocks, while somewhat crude and not highly finished, look pretty nice too. Unlike the original Military M24/47 the sporterized rifles all have bent bolts. Just like the military variants these all retain their original Yugoslavian crest on the receivers. Again they may or may not have sight hoods and we make no warranty claims or guarantees on the conditions of the bores. Personally I really liked the sporterized version of this rifle and actually picked one out for myself. See actual images of the sporterized rifles above.