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Today's shooter has access to a wide variety of .223 Remington / 5.56 NATO ammunition, from standard target rounds to M855 full metal jacket ammo. In this blog, we'll uncover which type of ammunition is best to load in a designated defensive rifle setup.
For decades, the AR-15 has consistently ranked as the most popular semi-auto rifle sold for personal protection and home defense. Gun owners appreciate the intuitive controls and high degree of personalization available from the AR platform, plus the rifle's recoil system allows even small-framed individuals to shoot comfortably for extended periods.
The AR-15 is available in many different configurations, but the 16-inch barrel model is by far the most common. So, this rifle is what we'll use as a reference point for our discussion of .223 / 5.56 NATO ammunition as it pertains to self defense.
Rather than an exhaustive, in-depth discussion about the different varieties of .223 / 5.56 NATO ammo, the following is a brief overview of the five most frequently purchased rounds. This will allow us to focus on what makes a round optimal for defensive shooting instead of getting lost in the minutia of ballistics (a topic that is better suited for its own dedicated blog).
The ideal defensive rifle round offers a balance of accuracy and stopping power, which typically means a high-velocity projectile with solid penetration. However, there is an argument to be made for hollow point or open-tipped ammunition because it reduces the likelyhood of overpenetration - an important consideration for private citizens in particular.
As responsible gun owners, we are legally and morally accountable for each and every round we fire. Striking an innocent bystander through the wall of an apartment building or across the street from your house is unacceptable, so it's important to weigh the odds that your selected ammunition will pass through a target and / or multiple barriers to end up somewhere unintended.
Experts tend to agree that a better option might be a specialized defensive round like the Hornady Critical Defense .223 Remington 73gr XTP. This ammunition has excellent muzzle velocity when fired from a 16-inch barrel and features a flexible expanding tip that causes the projectile to expand upon impact, effectively slowing the bullet after it hits your target and greatly reducing risk of overpenetration.
Of course, this answer is not one-size-fits-all. Your individual goals and circumstances could make overpenetration less of a concern (for instance, if you live on several acres in the country), so a high-velocity FMJ round might work better for you. Alternatively, if you work in law enforcement or serve in the military, you will likely already be familiar with M193, M855, or MK262 ammunition in which case, it makes sense to stick with what you know.
Learn more about the different types of 5.56 ammunition and which rounds we prefer to shoot by watching our video below.
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