Major Influences to the Tokarev
Browning's locked-breech was a significant influence, keeping the swinging link system of the Colt 1911. Production simplicity also influenced Tokarev's design. Magazine production was simplified by eliminating the feed lips and machining them into the frame. Safeties were also done away with. Chekov would have been proud! Russian firearm design principles revolved around production efficiency and easy maintenance on the battlefield. One feature many shooters like is that Tokarev built the hammer assembly for easy removal and cleaning. Given the harsh conditions in Russia, this was a necessity. The Black Star or Model 54 Tokarev is an interesting variant of the Soviet version TT-33. This pistol got its unique name by its large embossed star on the black wooden grips.Tokarev pistols were built around the powerful 7.62x25mm cartridge.
We have an outstanding lot of "Black Star" pistols. These Chinese Type 54 Tokarevsemi-auto pistols are chambered in the original 7.62x25mm caliber. Built by Norinco (North China Industries), they are in Very Good to Excellent condition. The Tokarev's are C&R Eligible, and come with an 8 round magazine.

Chinese Type 54 Tokarev Pistol - C&R Eligible
7.62x25mm Cartridge
Russia developed the 7.62x25mm Tokarev cartridge as a replacement for its long-standing C96 Mauser. The 7.62 is a powerful round with different muzzle velocities ranging from 1300 to 1800 fps. Experts consider the 7.62 an "over-penetrating" round for most home defense applications, which means the round may remain lethal even after penetrating its intended target AllOutdoor gives this review of the 7.62x25mm, "The plus side of the load is its high penetration, sufficient to defeat car body panels and lower-level body armor. The downside is its high penetration, almost guaranteeing that the bullet will exit an unarmored opponent and keep going. That's a liability. Despite this potential problem, quite a few people carry pistols in 7.62x25. They are relatively inexpensive, robust, and have a dieselpunk style to them. The two most popular models are CZ vz.52, a roller-lock delayed blowback Czech pistol, and a TT33, a Soviet locked-breech design with very simple lockwork."

Romanian TTC Tokarev - C&R Eligible
History and Tokarev Copies
After World War II, the Soviets began their search for a compact pistol to replace the Tokarev. In 1951, they adopted the Makarov. Warsaw Pact countries used the Tokarev for several years, which led to production outside the Soviet Union. Classic Firearms offers several fine examples of Tokarev pistol chambered in 7.62x25mm cartridges and produced outside of Russia, including:- Romanian TTC Tokarev Pistol
, 7.62x25mm. Mfg. by Cugir Factory in Romania at Good to Excellent condition. - Pakistan Tokarev
, 7.62x25mm. Mfg. by Badar and Brothers-Peshawar Plant, Pakistan. - Polish TTC Tokarev
, 7.62x25mm, Very Good to excellent condition. Mfg. in Radom Poland. Safeties may have been added for import regulations. - Yugoslavian M57 TT Tokarev
, 7.62x25mm. Pistols are considered in Good condition. Mfg. at Zastava Arms, Kragujevac, Serbia. (your spell checker may blow up)

The Yugoslavian M57 TT Tokarev Pistol
Final Thoughts
The Tokarev is an impressive handgun, given the fact it is almost 100 years old. The pistol is an excellent value for the money; with good build quality and excellent durability. This economical pistol is designed for hard military use, and is perfectly capable of being used for recreational shooting. Externally, the Tokarev looks very similar to the Colt 1911, with many shooters thinking it is just a modified version. There are a few significant differences. Hammer and sear is simpler than the 1911, with the hammer being external. The feed ramp is machined into the receiver, rather than part of the barrel, among other differences. Tokarev's 7.62x25mm round usually performs best with light loads, the 85 to 90 grain work best. The cartridge is fast and has a lot of energy. The 7.62 is a level 2 armor piercing round, but like I said earlier, it can over-penetrate with higher loads. The 7.62 is hard to compare with other ammunition, but overall it is a very good round. Tokarev's design, like many others of the day, has lasted decades and is quickly moving into its second century as a firearm that is still effective and viable. Firearm inventors of the day felt function over form was the key to a great firearm and history has proven them right. A great design never goes out of style. Shop All Military Surplus HandgunsShop All C&R Eligible
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