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Kimber New Products

7 Product(s)
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Kimber Mfg.,inc 3000500 Custom LW Liberty 7+1 5" KimPro Black Front Serrations Steel Slide Anka Grip
$639 99 $713.99
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Kimber Mfg.,inc 3500050 2K11 (OR) 17+1 5" High Polished w/ Coyote PVD, Brush Polish Flats w/ DLC Coating Stainless Steel Slide Aluminum Grip
Kimber Mfg.,inc 3500051 2K11 (OR) 9mm 20+1 5" High Polished w/ Coyote PVD, Brush Polish Flats w/ DLC Coating Stainless Slide Aluminum Grip
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Kimber Mfg.,inc 3500052 2K11 Target (OR) 17+1 5" High Polished w/ Coyote PVD, Brush Polish Flats w/ DLC Coating Stainless Steel Slide Aluminum Grip
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Kimber Mfg.,inc 3500053 2K11 Target (OR) 9mm 20+1 5" High Polished w/ Coyote PVD, Brush Polish Flats w/ DLC Coating Stainless Slide Aluminum Grip
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Kimber Mfg.,inc 3500055 2K11 Target (OI) 9mm 20+1 5" High Polished w/ Coyote PVD, Brush Polish Flats w/ DLC Coating Stainless Slide Aluminum Grip
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7 Product(s)
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