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Yugoslavian SKS Rifle - Very Good to Excellent Condition - 7.62x39 - C&R Eligible
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Yugoslavian / Serbian Ceremonial SKS M59 / 66A1 Rifle - Excellent Condition - 7.62x39 - C&R Eligible By Zastava Arms
Yugoslavian SKS Rifle - Good Surplus Condition - 7.62x39 - C&R Eligible
Yugoslavian SKS Rifle - Fair Surplus Condition - 7.62x39 - C&R Eligible
Yugo M-56 .22LR Bolt Action Training Rifle - Fair to Good Conditions - C & R Eligible
Shotgun, Zastava M80 Over / Under 12GA Shotgun 28" BBl, Good / Very Good Condition
M98/48 Mauser, 8 MM 5 Round Bolt Action, Turned Bolt - Made in Germany - M44 Preduzece- Surplus Good - Refurbished