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Inland Manufacturing ILM130 M1 1945 .30 Caliber Carbine, w/ Type 3 Bayonet Lug, 18" Barrel
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M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, US Military Contractors, C&R, Surplus Good Condition, Cracked Stock - Vari
Inland Manufacturing ILM150 M1A1 Paratrooper .30 Caliber Carbine w/ Folding Stock, 18" Barrel
Hi-Point M30C M30 Pistol 30CAR Adjustable M4 Buttstock
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, National Postal Meter - C & R Eligible - NRA Surpl
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, Quality Hardware - C & R Eligible - NRA Surplus Go
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, Standard Products Mfg - C & R Eligible - NRA Surpl
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, I.B.M. Mfg - C & R Eligible - NRA Surplus Good Con
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, Saginaw General Motors - C & R Eligible - NRA Surp
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, Underwood Manufacturing - C & R Eligible - NRA Sur
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, Inland Manufacturing - C & R Eligible - NRA Surplu
M1 Carbine Rifle, .30 Caliber, Semi-Auto, Original U.S. Military, - C & R Eligible - NRA Surplus Good to Very Good C