Introducing the HEVI-Shot 00567: The Hevi-Shot Magnum Blend using advanced Pattern Density Technology delivers an impressive 40% more lethal pellets in your bird. This equates to more clean and efficient kills. By using a harmonious combination of Hevi-13 #5, #6, and #7 shots, the Magnum Blend provides a greater quantity of pellets at both near and medium ranges, and delivers a more powerful punch at long range, when compared to the conventional lead shots.
What sets the Hevi-Shot's pellets apart are its innovative shaping, which ensures significantly greater tissue damage than the traditional round pellets. The Hevi-13 #7 shot disperses swiftly. In practical terms, this means that even if you miss your target by a small margin, you will still have a fatally wounded bird. On the other hand, the #5 shot guarantees an immediate kill at significantly larger distances when compared to lead.
Apart from having superior pattern density, the Hevi-Shot Magnum Blend also showcases its dominance in downrange energy deployment. Evidence can be seen from Hevi-Shot's tests, which has shown to have 294 pellets within the surrounding 10-inch halo area of a turkey's head at 40 yards distance, as opposed to the lead's 214. Moreover, it provides 40% more pellets in the kill zone as well as extends the lethal range by 40%, making the HEVI-Shot 00567 a true game-changer.