The Czech M52, commonly referred to as the Vz-52, is a rare Czech-made rifle highly sought after by shooters and collectors alike. The rifle comes complete with side-fold bayonet. These rifles are classified as NRA surplus Good Condition.
What a find. The Czech Vz-52 rifle is one of the rarest and most highly collectible semi-auto battle rifles of the modern (post-WWII) era. They were, and are, extremely difficult to get. This is why we are so proud to be able to offer this very exclusive small lot. VZ-52 rifles are considered highly reliable due to their piston-driven gas system and the tilting bolt locking mechanism. The cartridge is unique as well because it is directly in between the 7.62x39 cartridge and the 7.62x51 Nato.
These rifles are highly collectible and excellent shooters.
We were able to get these rifles as part of a larger group of surplus that the importer had been working on for some time. While VZ-52 rifles were a little more common on the surplus market a couple of decades ago, they were never produced in large quantities and as such are considered somewhat rare. In fact over the last several years, this rifle has been almost non-existent in the U.S. marketplace. As a case in point based on a quick internet search recently we only saw a couple of these guns listed on some private sales sites and they were upwards of $1500.00 each. As such, we are tickled pink to be able to land this small lot and offer them at this price.
Regarding the condition: These guns are surplus in original turn in condition and have seen action with their original issue forces, and in all probability, other guerrilla forces in hot spots all over the world. You can expect to see the typical nicks, dings and bluing wear that is standard to surplus. Having said that, we looked these rifles over closely. Compared to other small groups of Vz-52 rifles I've seen in the past, I would say the rifles in this batch are overall some of the nicer ones I have ever seen.
A note about the ammo - This rifle fires the very effective 7.62x45 caliber round. While you probably won't find the ammo at your local Wally World, it does seem to be readily available online. There are also chamber conversion kits on the market that allow the rifle to fire the 7.62x39 cartridge.
The bottom line is, if you are into surplus or a collector of rare military rifles, you are going to want one of these. As a bonus, they are fine shooters as well.
C&R Eligible. See our accompanying video for full details. Hand Select available for best of 10 cosmetically.
*Some rifles have slings or pieces of slings on them and some do not. Getting a sling is completely luck of the draw and any images reflecting a sling are simply for informational purposes. The rifle will ship as it came to us. If it had a sling it will ship with a sling. If it did not, it will not.
We do offer a Hand Select option on this rifle and choosing the Hand Select option will get you the best of 10 cosmetically.