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Barnes Bullets General Use Not Specified Ammunition

  1. Manufacturer: Barnes Bullets
  2. Ammo Application: General Use
  3. Ammo Shot Type: Not Specified
  4. Clear All Filters
1-24 of 90 Products
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Barnes 22008 VOR-TX 22-250 Remington 50 GR TSX FB - 20rd Box
$46 99
(2.350 per round)
In Stock
Barnes Bullets 32136 30-30 Win, 190 gr, 20 Per Box/ 10 Cs - 20rd Box
$43 99
(2.200 per round)
In Stock
Barnes Bullets 32137 30-30 Win, 150 gr, 20 Per Box/ 10 Cs - 20rd Box
$45 99
(2.300 per round)
In Stock
Barnes 30728 Precision Match 338 Lapua Mag 300 GR OTM - 20rd Box
$137 49
(6.875 per round)
In Stock
1-24 of 90 Products
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