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Federal PD9P1 Premium Personal Defense Punch 9mm Luger 124 gr Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP) - 20rd Box
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Ammo Inc 9147TMCSTL stelTH 9mm Luger 147 gr - 50rd Box
Winchester Ammo W9NATO50 9mm 124 GRFull Metal Jacket 50 Per Box/ 20 Case - 50rd Box
Winchester Ammo W9MMST2 Silvertip 9mm Luger 147 gr Silvertip Jacket Hollow Point - 20rd Box
Underwood Ammo 875 9mm 90 GR 20 Per Box/10 Case - 20rd Box
Underwood Ammo 874 Platinum 9mm+P 68 GR 20 Per Box/10 Case - 20rd Box
Hyperion Munitions HMBX909 9mm 124 GRFull Metal Jacket 50 Per Box/ 20 Case - 50rd Box
Hyperion Munitions HMBX914 9mm 147 GR50 Per Box/ 20 Case - 50rd Box
Armscor 50043PH USA 9mm 115 GRFull Metal Jacket 50 Per Box/ 20 Case - 50rd Box
DoubleTap Ammunition 9MM124HP20 9mm +P 124 GR20 Per Box/ 50 Case - 20rd Box
Winchester Ammo W9NATOVP 9mm 124 GRFull Metal Jacket 100 Per Box/ 10 Case - 100rd Box
Sig Sauer E9MMA1ROSE20 Rose 9mm 115 GRV-Crown Jacketed Hollow Point (VJHP) 20 Per Box/ 10 Cs - 20rd Box
Armscor 50041 Pistol 9mm Luger 124 GRFull Metal Jacket (FMJ) - 50rd Box
Winchester Ammo RED9HP 9mm +P - 124 Grain - Hexhp Usready - 20rd Box
Federal WM5199 Case - Federal Champion 9mm Ammo, 115 FMJ Grain, Brass Cased, Boxer Primed, Non-Corrosive, Reloadable - 1
Federal TP9VHP1 Train and Protect 9mm Luger 115 GR Verstile Hollow Point (VHP) - 50rd Box
Federal P9HST1TM100 Practice & Defend 9mm Luger 124 gr HST/Synthetic - 100rd Box
Cor-Bon PB09100 Glaser 9mm +P Powrball 100 GR - 20rd Box
Cor-Bon SD09115 Self Defense 9mm +P Jacketed Hollow Point 115 GR - 20rd Box
Nosler 51290 Match Grade 9mm Luger 147 gr Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP) - 20rd Box
Ammo Inc 9115JHPA20 Signature 9mm Luger 115 gr Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP) - 20rd Box
Sig Sauer E9MMA2PM1720 Elite V-Crown 9mm Luger +P 124 gr Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP) - 20rd Box
Remington Ammunition 28435 Subsonic 9mm Luger 147 gr Flat Nose Enclosed Base (FNEB) - 50rd Box
Armscor AC97N 9mm Luger 124 GR Jacketed Hollow Point - 20rd Box